So Queen Elsa to me isn't the best metaphor here. There's only been two movies and she's put her entire kingdom in danger everytime by being thoughtless and careless and thinking of only herself and joy and past, and, and, and...but yea, that wouldn't work for me hah. Love your stuff. Hope you're able to enjoy Thanksgiving.

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I was really nervous because four years ago I was so full of hope and then I ended up checking the results before I went to bed, which equalled an all night panic "event" which led to a downward spiral since then. I'd been doing okay with my anxiety before that night. This year I knew it could be different, but now I have drugs and better coping skills, right? Well, I also chose to log off most social media (Instagram because I mostly follow animals) and I avoided all election news. I did briefly check it on Wednesday and that gave me some anxiety (not just the presidential election, my state has a congressional race that is still undecided), so I've checked out. It's been so much better for me.

And, oh my gosh, someone gets to swim toy sharks with penguins?!

Also, a picture of Sally! YAY!

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