John, I appreciate SO much all you do for us. This interview is also one of my favorites of yours. I find it interesting to see how kiddos who grew up in the '70's turned out as adults. Kudos to Moon for sharing and making the best of an extremely difficult upbringing.

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Well... That was unexpected. I doubt Moon will ever see this but... Thank you for this interview!! (I already have the book on hold.)

John Moe - If there's anyway to pass on this message, please do. No response required, but I'd love for her to hear it.

There was SO much about your story that resonated with my experience. My whole childhood was about supporting my Mother's career. I couldn't wait to grow up and work, because being a child and "not contributing" was the worst thing... "Earth to Joni" was a very common phrase... Right next to "Suck it Up Buttercup"...

I wish I could tell you that you've inspired me to finally get off my ass and face my dissociation... Because checking out doesn't work... And I can't change anything about my past, but maybe I can do something about my future... So I need to make the effort to find the right Dr and stop masking.

Thank you for sharing this... You really didn't have to and I'm sure there will be less-than-posivie aspects.... But you're already helping people. And you should know that for those darker days. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I'm wishing you peace and every happiness.❤️❤️

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Thank you, Joni. I'll send this along to Moon.

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Thank you so much John!!! Much appreciated.

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