I guess that’s an ambiguous headline. So is this one.
As I write this, there’s a little over a day left in the 2021 Max Fun Drive. The response has been phenomenal. We blew through my in-the-head goal of 200 contributors, right past the announced goal of 500, and we’re within reach of the stretch goal of 1000 contributors. If we hit it, I gotta get the Double Tragedy Mask Tattoo.
“Then the smiling mask is on the person looking at it,” says my pal Ana Marie Cox.
I feel like I’ve done so much writing and talking about the show that anything I say is a re-rerun.
Here’s me making my case.
Here’s what some listeners have said recently, interspersed with some videos and links you might find amusing. I am not going to go into many heavy thoughts in this edition of the newsletter, I simply don’t have enough gas in the tank.:
"Thank you!:
I missed you so much John!!! You what kept me going when I had no insurance and thus couldn’t see a therapist. Your words have made a huge difference in my life just by being you! I’m a 19 year old chef for a national chain restaurant. The episode on Burning out has given me a voice.
Being able to communicate my value and my needs to my boss is so uplifting and it’s so amazing how spot on you are when it comes to how brain dead some decisions are when there is no workplace hygiene. (Especially during a down period in a company )
You rock!" - Timothy
"Good morning. Thank you for this fantastic show. It’s already so good right out of the gate, no surprise. Thank you for your time, and for making this important podcast so excellent and helpful." - Andrea
Here’s a fun site where you can compare life in the country you live in versus other countries. And I have decided I am moving to Norway later today.
"Dear Mr. Moe (may I call you John?),
When I listened to the first couple of episodes of Depresh Mode, I found myself getting very emotional at the sound of your voice and the topics you choose to talk about.
It brought me back to those dark, cold winter days of last year when I was finally starting to get treatment for the major depressive episode that made my life as a young teacher miserable. Or should I say the episode that made abundantly obvious that I would have a miserable life if I kept working the way I was.
Hearing your voice made me realize how much I owe you and your show.
Listening to The Hilarious World of Depression during that time essentially introduced me to the subject and made me grow along with it: as I (slowly, creepingly) got better, so grew the belief that everybody can suffer from this. And thus, that we need to teach kids about mindfulness, setting boundaries, listening to emotions and talking about them.
I carried this belief to the classroom, told my students openly about what happened to me, told my coworkers and bosses, told anyone who cared to listen. I now have a minute (or five) of mindfulness at the beginning of every lesson. I look out for signs of mental illness in my students and have been able to help and support some of them.
And I’m not sure I would have done any of it without the fierce belief that we need to talk about depression. You planted the seed for that and I will be eternally grateful . Thank you John Moe and thank you John Moe‘s team. You made a difference in my life and it’s drawing circles like a little rock dropped in water: you’re making a difference in a small school in Munich.
I hope, we’ll get to meet one day (I give excellent hugs).
With the kindest and warmest regards (and a big virtual hug)" - Barbelies
I love the Hydraulic Press Channel. The second most thing I love is the pressing. The thing I love most is the Finnish accent of the guy doing the pressing.
"Hi John and all:
I found out about Depresh Mode by way of the Judge John Hodgman podcast. Last summer, four and a half months into working remotely due to COVID-19, where, to quote De La Soul, it’s just me myself and I, my Dad passed away. I spent the next five weeks with Mom getting things sorted out. It was a strange and difficult time to be sure. As of Saturday it’s been three weeks since Mom and I have been fully vaccinated and I’m going back to the office tomorrow for the first time in thirteen months. I am not even close to figuring out how to put my life back together yet but Depresh Mode has let me know that it’s O.K. for me to do that in my own way and in my own time. Thank you for that." - Sean
"I've been a fan since the previous podcast and was delighted when Depresh Mode was announced. I cherish my THWoD mug and Depressed State shirt and I fully intend to support y'all when MaxFunDrive begins in May. I'm a therapist in Texas who also has a history of depression and anxiety, so I've thoroughly enjoyed the podcast(s) on multiple levels. (Sidenote: I mentioned the new podcast in a session with my own therapist and she was delighted with the name, as was I. The name Depresh Mode is therapist-approved.) Thanks for continuing the work y'all do.
Thank you for everything you do and take care!" - James
"Hello John Moe and other creators of Depresh Mode!
I am a mental health provider in Northern Virginia and I have been recommending THWOD to my clients for a long while, as I listened to it and got so much out of it as a provider and as someone who has always dealt with depression and anxiety. I read your memoir and have that on my work shelf to pass on to anyone who needs it. While I was bummed the pod went away I am so thrilled to have found Depresh Mode and so far find it just as relatable and helpful as THWOD. I look forward to hearing more of your discussions and passing them on to clients, friends, and family. Thank you for what you do, it means a lot to so many.
Warm Regards,
"Hello! So glad to hear you started your own company and continue to create amazing podcasts that truly help people (including me!).
Depresh Mode is great. Can't wait for more episodes. The burnout one resonates deep. Thanks for doing what you do. It's helped me a lot while parenting 3 teens in this time, staying sober and not letting my depression gobble me up. (Yep, I have a penchant for drama. Won't even attempt to deny it.)
Longtime listener and lifelong battler of the blues, PTSD and anxiety"
"Love the show, thanks!" - Icarus
Thanks… Icarus?
For some reason, I’ve developed a strong interest in this movie about Metallica in therapy. They’re earnest, I wish them well, but it’s funny that the group that released an album called Kill ‘Em All is working hard on their feelings.
"Hey Depreshmode Team,
Your show is amazing and I really enjoy listening to it. I love the positive messages you are promoting around mental health.
Thanks for what you do and keep up the great work!
"Hi John!
I was so happy to hear you got a new pod. I'm a grateful THWODball who gained so much from your book.
"Hi John!
I’m very much enjoying your new show. Glad the conversation continues, especially with contemporary guests. " - Dari
"Hello! First off - I love Depresh Mode! I was an avid listener of the Hilarious World of Depression, so I was ecstatic to get John Moe's wonderful voice back into my podcast rotation! Thanks for listening! And thanks for reminding everyone they're not alone! Keep up the good work and keep on being awesome!" - Abby
"I love the show. The first episode with Patton Oswalt really hit home, and I was hooked. I have been a MaxFun supporter for years and I have already added you to the list of shows I support. I am getting that Depresh Mode pin!" - Krista
I've been really enjoying Depresh Mode, I love hearing about people's experiences and in a somehow upbeat way, instead of how dark and serious it could be delivered, it makes things feel a bit more normal and less isolating." - Dream
"Your ads during Judge John Hodgman got me interested, so I started to listen and just finished the first episode. Anxiety and depression run in my family, though I've never been formally diagnosed. I do see a therapist, which helps. Your podcast helps, as well. The conversation with Patton Oswalt really hit me, especially the part about turning "enemies" into friends. Thank you for this podcast. It's just what I needed right now.
Sincerely, Neil"
This is a cool website that exists to point you to cool websites. It’s cool.
"Hello Mr. Moe, I am KC and I discovered your podcast through Pop Culture Happy Hour and it's been amazing. It does for me what you intended. It's been amazing to listen to stories from you and the guests. Your tiny little "I am glad you are here" is wildly helpful on the daily for me. Thank you for reading! - KC”
"Greetings John! First off, I want to say that I started listening to Depresh Mode last week and I’m absolutely loving it. I have struggled with my mental health from a very young age and really appreciate listening to your show and being able to laugh about it while also gaining some valuable insight and different perspectives.
I hope you are doing well and keep up the good work!
Cedric :-)"
Here, again, me making my case.
I love the show! I was thinking about people who I would love to hear you interview and a few that came to mind are Molly Burke and John Mulaney! I think Molly could especially give a really interesting perspective about struggling with mental health while also living with a disability.