Depresh Mode has reached 100 episodes!
Remember when Willard Scott would wish people a happy 100th birthday? I remember that.
Well, our show is not 100 years old. It’s not quite two years old. But we have hit the triple digit mark for number of episodes. And this week, producer Gabe Mara and I count down ten episodes that have stayed with us the most. The ones we just can’t shake. One of our ten guests won an Oscar last night, too. So congratulations on that, NBA player Kevin Love! I mean Jamie Lee Curtis.
Highlighted on the show:
Depression, Anxiety, and Devil Horns: Chelsea Ursin Saves Her Soul with Rock n’ Roll
Amanda Knox on the Difference Between Exoneration and Freedom
The Beautiful World of Mentally Nutritious Video Games
Jamie Lee Curtis: Self-Professed Dope Fiend of Show-off Business
Jackie Kashian Did What You Should Do
Kevin Love: All-Star in the NBA and in Destigmatization
Shane Koyczan Says Sometimes “Bullying” Is Just Assault
The Surgeon General Wants Your Boss To Build You a Healthier Workplace
The Whimsy and Depth of Depressed Cake Shop
Household Chores, Struggle Care, and Your Mental Health
To arrive at my five of these ten, it took a lot of agonizing cuts and I could have filled a longer list easily. But we had to arrive at ten because ten is a nice round number and because I just made it up as an arbitrary rule.
Max Fun Drive is a week away!
The network that carries my shows, Maximum Fun, has one fundraising drive per year. Just one. And yes, that stands in stark contrast to what most public radio stations do. During our annual Max Fun Drive, which begins on March 20th, we come to you to ask for stuff and to give you stuff.
We ask for your support in making shows like Depresh Mode and Sleeping with Celebrities and all the other outstanding Max Fun programs. We don’t choke our shows with a million ads, we don’t make shows that are lurid and shocking, we don’t put out shows with huge name hosts who don’t actually know how to host podcasts. We bring you good shows by good people and ask you to join us in that effort. I know that Depresh Mode reaches people around the world and truly helps people in their mental health journeys. Your membership supports that cause.
And we give you stuff! Our thank you gifts this year - which I cannot reveal just yet - are really cool and unique. We’re offering some things we’ve never done before through Maximum Fun and I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve just for Depresh Mode listener/joiners as well.
Great Resignation meets Youth Mental Health Crisis
And they decide to team up
Article in Slate on how two big trends in America have come together.
Between February 2020 and May 2022, more than 300,000 educators resigned in the U.S., citing concerns over safety, burnout, and low pay, among other reasons. As a result, gaps in critical youth support have widened, negatively affecting the mental health of adolescents and young adults. While the reasons behind the so-called Great Resignation are complex and understandable, the timing couldn’t be worse, as America’s children and adolescents are experiencing a significant increase in mental health challenges, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and other leading medical groups.
I was looking for something with a tag team but I went with this video instead. Apologies and refunds all around!
Twitter does its thing with garbage study
First there was this ridiculousness:
Then, mercifully, came the notice below the original tweet with caveats to the study:
And soon came the creative responses:
Such a great episode. Listening to it now, I love how you started the show with "Smart, Self-Reliant and Traffics in denial." Clicked on the Jackie Kashian link right away. Got to start following her. Thanks so much, say Hi to RPM for me. :) Also Love K.C. Davis. Yup, I think story telling is an amazing vehicle, been gathering materials for years trying to sort a lot of stuff out.